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Our analysis show's that yes covid-19 is a thing so do not go around talking about "you are a sheep", and not wear a mask.. But the reason the Government overreacted to the virus was financials were crashing causing the market to do the same. So the FED's needed a reason to launch QE unlimited, and our government to launch stimulus pakages. Pretty much socialism for the rich.
This is a chart of XLF the financial sector, before covid-19.. We had our eye's glued to this sector.. Since it took over 12 years to get back to 2008. We felt confident that XLF would reject at these levels for a few reasons. Which are to start a bull market sooo late in the cycle would mean the market as a whole would be still be starting it's bull market rally, and we found that very unlikely to be the case. So we were all over this market crash the alleged covid crash. All the recession idicators were flashing bright red. We find it fishy the huge over reaction to covid was, but when you look at it from Trumps point of view things become clear in our eyes. Election year he can't have a crash on his election year since that has been all his been talking about for 4 years how great the economy and stock market is under him. We clearly disagree with that, but for the untrained eye it's easily over looked. How weak our economy truely is at the moment. They had to launch QE unlimited running our debt too maxiumum levels and stimulus just to hold the market until elections.